About Us
Umeed Foundation (Regd.)
About us
Umeed Foundation
Umeed Foundation (Regd.) was founded in 2010 with an objective of providing Free Education to Underprivileged and Needy Children so that they can enjoy a status of a respectful person in the society and can work towards the betterment of the nation. This Education will impart creativity and communication skills in children while they can enjoy learning and develop desire to continue learning. This will create in them the ability for critical thinking and logical judgment.
The ultimate goal of Umeed Foundation is to build end to end free Higher Secondary level education facilities for the children of poor and needy people who cannot afford the expenses of their child education.
In 2012, Umeed Foundation (Regd.) joined hands with Al-Moiz Academy. Al-Moiz Academy was a Primary Level Charity School at that time providing free education to needy children. Al-Moiz Academy was started by Mrs. Shua Moin in 2002 in One Room with 10 Students in the slum area of Rawalpindi so that students can aces this facility easily from their homes.
Registered & Recognized
Umeed Foundation is registered with City District Government Rawalpindi and its Registration No. is (CSR-17/2021 under Society Registration Act XXXI of 1860). Registration No. of Federal Board of Revenue is A458910

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